Middle Ages

French Bread and Why it Caused Riots (Pt. 3.14159 on Bread)

Finally. This is it. The last post about bread. My brain is forever changed by my incessant research; every night I count little fluffy croissants instead of sheep to go to bed. I live, eat, and breathe bread now (there are worst fates to be had, so I’m not that mad about it). Let’s go […]

French Bread and Why it Caused Riots (Pt. 3.14159 on Bread) Read More »

Bodily Humors in the Middle Ages (They’re not that Funny) and More about BREAD!

It’s important to realize the medical science had a huge influence over people’s eating habits in the medieval age, especially when they were dropping like flies due to never-ending natural disasters. There was this prevailing idea from the 3rd century till about the of the four bodily humors, Flegmat (phlegm), Sanguin (blood), Coleric (yellow bile)

Bodily Humors in the Middle Ages (They’re not that Funny) and More about BREAD! Read More »

A Brief History of Bread in France (Pt. 2 The Middle Ages Sucked!)

I’m back again with a part 2! I know all of you were waiting with bated breath for this, so I have delivered. This sequel post will be all about the Middle Ages and how deeply intertwined major world events and eating are. Let’s start out with defining the Middle Age and what France was

A Brief History of Bread in France (Pt. 2 The Middle Ages Sucked!) Read More »

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